Saturday, February 22, 2025

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

I thought I would create a FAQ page to answer some of the more common questions I get from time-to-time.

Why are the Hex/RGB values different than what the [insert league/team/school name here] says they are?

  • The Hex/HTML and/or RGB values I display reflect the current Pantone standards. That being said, a lot of the teams, schools and leagues have taken it upon themselves to create custom values for digital displays. I plan on addressing this newer phenomenon in the future, but suffice it to say that color consistency between print and digital is potentially compromised by using this approach. However, I do track these “custom” RGB and HTML (along with custom CMYK) values, and in the future I plan to offer an option to display either using Pantone standards, or by the custom values.

What do the asterisks (*) mean on the color swatches?

  • An asterisk (*) in the left-hand side of the Hex or RGB set of values indicates that the color value is an estimate. With that, I also should mention that each estimated color is also based off of a legitimate Pantone value.

Can I get a copy/Excel file/printout of the Pantone values?

  • I have spent years (decades, to be fair) compiling this information; I am not too fond of the idea of having my data compiled into a convenient package for others to profit off of my research. I am however, working on some other ideas that might enable designers and sports entities utilize this data in a way that might be beneficial to the branding process. I will update as these ideas progress.

How do you track all of this information?

  • All of this data is housed in 3 separate, but linked relational databases. My “Color Values” database houses all of the color information, including current and historical RGB, CMYK, formula ink mixes, etc. Many different color libraries are contained here as well, including textile libraries, thread libraries, twill, etc. I also have two separate relational databases for both collegiate and professional franchises that link to the “Color Values” database. In addition, there is a color matching utility that I also created in order to help facilitate color estimation.

What exactly does “sRGB-Optimized” mean anyway?

  • I have been using this terminology to describe graphics or objects that adhere to the Pantone-specific standards of representing their colors in the sRGB color space. Pantone not only provides the formula ink mixes for their spot/solid colors in their Coated and Uncoated Guides, but also the CMYK and RGB (within the sRGB color space) in the Color Bridge Coated and Uncoated Guides. I take these proper values and apply them to official vector-based graphics (in Adobe Illustrator). The intent is to show the graphics as closely matched as possible to a printed graphic using spot colors.