Saturday, February 22, 2025
College Colors & Nicknames

NEW – College Nicknames Index

College Colors & Nicknames

TruColor logo

I have added a new index page to the site; one that lists all colleges by the official schools’ nickname:

A couple of notes:

  • This includes only primary/official nicknames. No alternate nicknames (for now), and no women’s team derivatives. For example, if a school’s official nickname is the “Tigers”, and the women’s teams go by “Lady Tigers”, only the “Tigers” nickname will be displayed on the index. In addition, only current nicknames will be included.
  • Only includes the schools that have been updated to the site. Although I do have nickname info for pretty much every school – four-year, two-year and Canadian schools – I will just be updating the list as I go through the individual conferences and verifying all info and posting the conference project to the site. (Similar to how the Full Index page currently works.)



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As well as being the founder of TruColor (formerly ColorWerx and The Society for Sports Uniforms Research), I am also a database developer and run a software development and consulting business with my wife Amy. The company is called Ethx. I have been interested in logos and uniforms since the early '70s, and am especially interested in team colors, including color science. I have also been a professional musician for 40+ years as well, and received a Bachelor's degree in Music (jazz studies - performance and arranging emphasis) from North Texas State University (now the University of North Texas) in 1985.