Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Tiny PMS Match

Tiny PMS Match Update

Tiny PMS Match logo

I have FINALLY gotten around to updating the ongoing Tiny PMS Match update. To refresh everyone’s memory, Inka Mathew of Green Ink Studios has a Tumblr blog dedicated to her matching of everyday small objects with PANTONE Matching System colors.

Ina had somewhat taken a break from entries for a couple of months, but only because she was putting together a hard cover book, and needed to only post one a month for a while. The upcoming book is called Tiny PANTONE Objects and will be released on May 3, 2016. Here’s the Amazon.com listing:

Well, I’m caught up with her for now, and will continue to update as she completes each month. (March is almost here.)


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As well as being the founder of TruColor (formerly ColorWerx and The Society for Sports Uniforms Research), I am also a database developer and run a software development and consulting business with my wife Amy. The company is called Ethx. I have been interested in logos and uniforms since the early '70s, and am especially interested in team colors, including color science. I have also been a professional musician for 40+ years as well, and received a Bachelor's degree in Music (jazz studies - performance and arranging emphasis) from North Texas State University (now the University of North Texas) in 1985.